Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My best friend

Omar is my best friend and he has many positive, personal qualities. He is a hardworking, mature student. For instance, he is always on time for class and does his homework every evening. He is helpful and kind. Omar helps me with class work that I do not understand. Also, he likes to show new student where to go in the College of the North Atlantic-Qatar when they are lost. He is usually friendly, but he can be a little impatient at times. He does not like to wait for his friends who are late. But he is funny, and does not say mean things to them. I like Omar because he has many good qualities.


SUBJECT: I will be absent on Wednesday,February 16,2010.

Dear Mr. Scott,

I will be absent on Wednesday,February 16,2010. Please send me an email with my work. I apologize for my absence.

Best regards,


Sunday, February 14, 2010


1-1939 Oil discovered in Dukhan.

2-1966 Offshore production started.

3-1971 The NorthGas field was discovered.

4-1974 The Qatar General Petroleum campany was started.

5-2008 The Dolphen project to pipe gas to the UAE was developed.

6-2005 Qatar and US began ajoint project to build the worlds largest LNG plant.

7-2008 Qatar gas took delivery of the worlds largest LNG carrier,the mega-ship Mozah.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

unit 2 words

1-My friend is very kind but he has misfortune for example his leg is broken .
2-The QP have joint project with CNA-Q for example CNA-Q training worker QP .
3-QP hires engineering consultant to help drilling for gas .
4-My girlfriend had agood reaction when I gave her kiss .
5-My girlfriend house is in a nice location .
6-QP is explor for a more gas in a north shore .
7-Qatar does not have many thunderstorms because the weather good .
8-When I went shopping I met my super visor by coincidence .
9-My cousin is ancient manager in QP .
10-QP has an archaeologist to help worker to found gas .

Monday, February 8, 2010